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8 Iron-On Transfer Stickers, a Mini Iron, and a Hoodie!

8 Iron-On Transfer Stickers, a Mini Iron, and a Hoodie!

Great for any activity time or the perfect gift for any age! This package includes 8 sticker decals that you get to choose and customize the colors, a mini iron (4in x 2in), a hoodie, parchment paper, and instructions. 


    In the free write box write 8 combinations of numbers and letters (the design and the color) to customize your package. For example 1A would be a red filled in smiley face! Seperate your combinations with commas, only 8 designs will be given (any over 8 will not be included in your package). Lastly choose your iron color and hoodie color and size!

Iron Color
Sweatshirt Colors
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